Lumbar girdles
Why lumbar girdles? There are several reasons for the natural or artificial wear of the spine. From age, bad positions, stress and exercise abuse to repetitive moves at work, crouching for picking up things excessive loading and carrying, etc.
The pathological consequences of the facts mentioned above include hernias, fractures, joint wear and pain (infamous lumbago). At work, of course, it is necessary to prevent such pathologies, as not only they affect health (the most important factor), but have harmful effects in productivity and represent illegal work practices. As this prevention is a mechanical thing, a lumbar girdle or belt is a key tool to avoid and combat these problems.
These girdles belts have plastic or metal bars and protective plates. They are vertical and are adapted to the lumbar zone. The worker must always use the girdle, and do so when they start performing their work, as the girdle won´t work for previous injuries or pain. In these cases, medical care is necessary and surely Will include a ban on the worker for performing physical functions that can worse his/her condition.
It is also important to remark that lumbar girdles or belts can, if used excessively, troublesome effects, such as less muscular strength, a false sense of safety, greater fatigue and skin irritation.
Lumbar girdles must, then, be a complement to the whole physical safety program for workers, but not be the only element of it. A Good physical shape, cultivated with good nutrition and exercise is crucial, plus continuous medical supervisión and pauses at work.
At Stone Jeans we not only have jeans and girdles for different uses for you, but we also investigate and share useful knowledge for you and your health.
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